Ways How to Repair a Clogged Toilet

Clogged toilets can be a real hassle to deal with, but luckily there are a few ways to repair them without having to call a professional. Identifying the clog and using a plunger or plumbing auger are two of the most common methods.  

If you want your clogged toilet repaired you can browse https://cooperplumbinghouston.com/services/plumbing-repairs/. With a few simple steps and the right tools, you can get your clogged toilet running again in no time.

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Identifying the Clog

The first step in repairing a clogged toilet is to identify where the clog is coming from. If the toilet is overflowing, it is likely that the clog is located in the drainpipe. If the clog is further down the line, the toilet may not be overflowing but will still be slow to drain.

Using a Plunger

Using a plunger is often the most effective way to clear a clog. Start by ensuring the plunger is completely submerged in the water. Then, firmly press the plunger down and up in a pumping motion until the clog is cleared. 

Using a Plumbing Auger

If using a plunger does not work, you may need to use a plumbing auger. This tool is designed to reach further down the drainpipe and dislodge the clog. Start by turning off the water supply to the toilet and disconnecting the water supply line. 

Calling a Professional

If you’ve attempted the above methods and still cannot clear the clog, it may be time to call a professional. A professional plumber can use specialized tools to diagnose and repair the issue. They can also offer advice on how to keep the pipes clear in the future.