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Trigger Point Injections: A Path to Relief

Trigger point injections are injections of a local anesthetic combined with a steroid medication into the affected muscle. They are administered directly into the tight, painful area of the muscle known as a trigger point. The injection helps to relax the tight muscles and decrease pain. To find the trigger point injections, you may visit Camelback Medical Centers.

What Conditions Can Trigger Point Injections Treat?

Trigger point injections are used to treat a variety of conditions including:

• Tension headaches

• Fibromyalgia

• Myofascial pain syndrome

• Post-traumatic headaches

• Low back pain

• Neck pain

• Sciatica

How Do Trigger Point Injections Work?

When a trigger point injection is administered, the medication is injected directly into the trigger point, which numbs the area and relieves the tension in the muscle. This helps to reduce pain and improve mobility. Additionally, the steroids in the injection help to reduce inflammation and pain in neck and back.


Trigger point injections are a safe and effective way to reduce pain and improve mobility for those suffering from a variety of conditions. These injections provide a number of benefits, including improved range of motion and reduced muscle spasms. If you’re looking for relief from pain and muscle tightness, talk to your doctor about trigger point injections as a possible treatment option.
