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Top Tips To Improve The Care Of Our Elderly And Our Dementia Patients

Dementia disease, a progressive neurologic disorder, causes the brain to shrink and cause brain cells to die.  It causes a progressive decline in thinking, behaviour and social skills that can affect a person's ability for independent living.

1. An International Alzheimer's Conference was a great place to begin if you want to improve the care of your elderly and dementia patients. 

There were many international speakers who shared their knowledge. It was an amazing way for families to create a story about their loved ones.

2. Another great tip for improving the care of dementia patients and elderly is to give them paints and pencils. You can also look for the best gift for dementia patients online. Encourage them to draw or paint whatever they like. One picture can communicate a thousand words. People who are unable to communicate will feel a lot of frustration and emotion.

Why people with dementia don't all behave the same

3. The third tip to avoid confusion and dementia symptoms in the elderly is to ensure they are healthy. If a person is experiencing severe confusion or bladder infection, they may not be able to sense the burning sensations, stinging sensations, or incontinence symptoms.

4. For bladder health, it is a good idea to make sure your loved ones have tight, comfortable underwear that doesn't move with them. This prevents bladder infection in elderly people who sit for extended periods of time. This is especially important for women.

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