Promote Your Inner Harmony By Using Natural Skin Care Products

Once autumn turns into winter, we need to protect our skin against drier and colder air by adjusting our skincare regime and using much richer day and night moisturizers and top-rated skincare products that will maintain the softness and suppleness of the skin. 

natural skin care product

There is a wide variety of face and body creams that have the ability to nourish enliven and protect delicate skin. Just as we need to rotate our diet to avoid developing sensitivities and be well-nourished, so you need to rotate your moisturizing skincare products to keep your skin responds.

Once your skin becomes accustomed to the same active ingredients, it will become less active. To eliminate and slough off dead cell congestion, exfoliate with a natural exfoliating product or facial peel. Treat yourself to a mini home spa and promote the health of your skin by regularly using creamy conditioning facial masques, mud packs or seed oil. 

It is good to cleanse the system of congestion by eliminating fried foods, sugar, dairy products and wheat for a week or two. Drinking burdock red root tea promotes clear skin and supports the liver and other organs as well as cleanses the lymphatic system. 

Eat foods that promote warmth such as leafy greens, avocados, whole grains, fish and miso-based soups. 

Autumn and winter are part of the rhythmic cycle that is essential to our emotional and physical well being as it is to nature.